Lourdes Viso and Róisín Russell are delighted to present an exhibition of works by international Brazilian artist Beth Moyses, whose work has never before been exhibited in Ireland. Her video piece Gotejando (Dripping) and photographs from the performance Mosaico branco por 60 mulheres (White mosaic by 60 women) will be on show at the Sycamore in Dublin.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mosaico branco por 60 mulheres, Photograph 2, Ed 1/5, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2001


  1. Beth, I work with Women's Aid Ireland and we are delighted to be a part of your exhibition in Dublin. The opening on Wednesday night was packed, but the quiet/terrible beauty of Gotejando drew people in and was the centre of the night. The speakers addressed violence against women not only as an 'international' or 'development' issue, but also acknowledged its presence at home here in Ireland as well. It is a very hidden crime and is still not openly acknowledged often enough, so this was very refreshing. I really admire your approach to art and wish you all the best with your future work. -Laura

  2. Laura, I repeat that It is a pleasure for me to show my work in Dublin, and It's very important to have Women's Aid as a part of the exhibition. Thank you very much for your presence and support. I hope that many people that were in the exhibition or read an article about it are think about this theme. Beth Moysés
